Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 2- Artsy

This morning we woke up hung-over… I should have listened when people told us the wine is stronger here. Today we went to le Louvre and saw the Mona Lisa. Although the mona lisa was very cool to see in person, the building itself impressed me more. The ceilings were intricate, they had parts of the original building exposed, it was a castle and so beautiful! Of course I almost fell down the steps because my legs were so sore from walking the day before. Then we went to Musse D’orsay this is where Van Goughs starry night is. There was an entire area dedicated to pictures of naked people, wheich must have been super artsy, but it made me and Jill giggle.. We went to Notre dame and Saint Chapelle but both were closed by the time we arrived, so we put them on the to do list for the next day. Unlike New York, Paris definitely sleeps. We took the metro home early to be sure we did not have to spend the extra money on a cab.  We got 2 bottles of wine, and a map and planned our adventures for the next day.  

Mona Lisa at Le Louvre

Notre Dame
Planning our next day

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