Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 23- Shopping

Normally when we go out at night with our friends Megan and Danielle sleep over because their host families homes are just out side of the city, and it is not a good idea for two beautiful girls to be walking around alone at night, even if Aix is fairly safe. So in the morning since our friends were already here, we decided to go on a shopping spree. We traveled up and down the beautiful old streets of Aix perusing all of the stores. Then we went to an area that I had never gone to in Aix that was an outdoor shopping mall. It was so close to where I lived I just over looked it every time. 
It was so nice walking around. I normally despise shopping; I am the total opposite of many other girls in this aspect. But to shop in Aix, this was just fun. I could have stayed for hours spending hundreds of Euros. But we had other things on the schedule for the day so I left with just a shirt and a beach dress.
Out door shopping mall
For lunch we went to this place just on the edge of center city that was cafeteria style. They had an item of the day and you could get 2 sides a dessert and drink for just 3.50 euro! It was so strange though the set up and people of all ages were there from 10 to 55, (it was mostly working people). It was only open from 11 to 2 , lunch time only. I wish there was a place like this near my house in Glassboro it was a bargain!
We had a great class talking about why we came to France and what our expectations were and how they panned out. It was eerie talking about leaving already, so soon. Didn’t we just start class?
After class we went back to our apartment to make dinner blog, and talk to our families and friends. 
Face timing my goofy sister, (she might kill me for this)
In the middle of using the Internet, our service cut out! Thankfully it only lasted for about 2 hours, because it was the last night that we planned on sitting in one spot for a decent amount of time before our journey back to the US. It was critical that we talked with our families and looked up the different excursions we were planning for our last days in Aix, and our trip to Avignon and Germany. Due to the loss of Internet, we were unable to contact out friends to hang out so we had, what may be, our last relaxing night in, hopefully ;). 

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