Today was a nice lazy day, we woke up late and gain some of
our energy back, we walked around a little but everything was closed. We were
so confused how could the streets be so packed yesterday, but so dead today,
where is every one? We want to be there! After a few more steps it clicked,
Sunday. The entire city was closed except for the convenience stores. So we
walked through the empty streets, then got food and made lunch. After 4 o’clock
Jill and I made margaritas before we went to our open house, we were nervous if
you couldn’t tell from my last blog. When we arrived, it was very unstructured,
a few people just standing around, the students weren’t really talking to each
other. Me and Jill decided to take a seat in one of the many empty chairs and
wait for instruction, there wasn’t any. After a few minutes of sitting a girl,
Megan, came up and we started chatting, thank god, after a little another girl,
Danielle, and a guy, Will, came up and we all decided to walk around and get a
drink, do you see a common theme yet? Drinks. We went to a nice little Irish
bar on the main street of the city and talked about our past few days in Aix.
We all parted ways and Jill and I went back to the
Drinks with Friends |
We spent the
time after our orientation updating our blogs and talking to our families. I
was able to talk to my mom and dad who told me the awesome news that my
beautiful sister had won prom queen the night before. It was great to talk to
them because my mom leaves for Florida on senior trip for the next few days so
I wont be able to talk to my dad – my mom will take the I pad with her. While
we were talking there was a knock at the door. No one knows where we live, who
the heck is that. Jill and I decided to not answer, but the knocking was persistent.
We opened the door and a woman was at the door, she was not old, probably in
her 40’s. That was a bit of a relief. She told us that there had been a
homeless man in the building all night and that she doesn’t know how he got in.
She told us about the gross mess he made and how her and her husband cleaned it
up. She seemed mad at us, she said because I know you are new here, I wanted to
tell you to make sure you close the door tightly, and that if we ever had any
problems to come knock on her door. It was very sweet of her to stop by, were
glad we have a mom watching over us.
After talking to my parents I got to talk to Phil for a
second before he went to his soccer game, and then talked to Ronnie, his mom
and Mia. It was nice to see familiar faces and talk about my time here in Aix.
Jill and I stayed in at night at watched 21 Jumpstreet,
which I HIGHLY recommend, the 4th is orientation, and it is going to
be a really long day!
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