Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 14- Route for the home team

We woke up to a slow morning; the streets were quite because it was Monday. Mondays here are almost as dead as Sunday; the French take their rest very seriously. Today I feel right there with the French, I need a little bit of rest after walking through paradise; my mind and body were exhausted. We woke up and had a relaxing morning doing our homework, visiting the market and going to the post office. Unfortunately, the post office here is insanely different than one that is in the united states, so we didn’t get to send anything, and my not be able to seeing as how our time in Aix is passing quickly!
We attended class, which was pushed a half-hour so we could enjoy our Monday morning, seriously our teacher is the best. Not only did we start a little late, we ended up having class in the park, Parc Vendome, the same park I helped out the nice Australians in a few days prior. This time I was able to sit and enjoy the park. It felt so good to have the sun warming my skin as I sat on the stonewall writing my small entry for the day. It would have been much nicer if there were no pigeons, but some how I became so engrossed in my work that the pigeons didn’t even phase me for a bit. That is until one almost ran right into my face; he must have been drunk flying.
Writing in Vendome Parc
A pretty flower that distracted me from writing :)
We were eager to leave class today. Not because we did not want to be there, that was most certainly not the case. Today was the match between England and France for the Euro cup. He had seen crowds of people during the week yelling at TV’s at bars for the soccer games, so we knew that since France was playing the town would be rowdy, and for a couple of 20 year olds, that sounded exciting.  We quickly made it to the square in front of our apartment where Will and Megan had been saving us seats. For the soccer game every square was full of people. The cafes that served alcohol set up every chair and table they had outside underneath canopies, and put a large flat screen TV at one end.  The crowds were ruthless, every call the faithful fans would groan, or cheer, in both situations there was cussing I’m sure. We got to Meg and Will and there was only one chair, for Jill and I. It was seriously packed, after sitting for a ten minutes and not even being looked at by the server we decided we needed to have a better plan.

Not my best picture, but you get the idea

We went to the next square and people we standing behind the chairs, at least there was a place to be. We stood for a bit, and then I realized the grocery store was right next-door, time for snacks. We created our own tailgate behind the bar, getting ten beers and a bag of chips for the same price as one beer at the bar. PERFECT we cheered and yelled and did as our peers did. It was good cheap fun, my favorite. We ended the night at our apartment with a few friends, and got to bed fairly early it was the perfect situation. 
Trying to take a discrete picture (i know the flag on my arm is wrong)

Our sweet tailgate

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