Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 24- Blessings

My dad told me that I should start running again if I want to try and beat my small head cold. I am not sure if he is right but he’s my dad, so I followed the advice and went on an easy jog in the morning. The smoke from the Europeans was burning my esophagus the whole time, it was awful.
I returned and made my self a beautiful American breakfast. I had eggs with toast and cheese. It was most certainly the best I have had yet, I should open a restaurant here I think I’d make millions. It was just what I needed.
When Jill woke up we went shopping for souvenirs for our families. It was so depressing! It is starting to set in more and more that our trip is almost over. While going to the shops we ended up at a market in the center of town buying clothes for 5 euro. It was awesome! Needless to say I think I ended up buying more souvenirs for my self than I did for my family.
Thankfully I had time for a nap before our last class. While I was sleeping our wifi went out again L it wouldn’t have been such a problem the wifi being disconnected bur when we left for class saw a note on the door saying the locks were changed and go see land lord, but we don’t know who or where that is! The simple fix would be to e-mail the woman we sub lease from, but that’s had to do with no wifi!
We decided that class was more important at the moment, and if we were lucky, it would just be on when we returned.
Class was bitter sweet; we mostly talked about the end of our trip, and wrote letters to our selves about or favorite part, which will be cool to read in a few months. If you couldn’t tell from previous posts, our teacher is the sweetest person. While we were out on our 20-minute break she put little cadeaux on our desks. She never fails to impress me.
Petite Cadeaux from our teacher
After class the school had a little get together to say good bye to the students that were only doing the three week session. It wasn’t all that sad because every one that was there was attending the “Fete de la Musique” the same evening.
The Fete is Frances way of bringing in summertime every city has lots of bands playing all day and night on every corner. It felt like Italy on repeat, except this time we got to experience it with our friends. Although we were still slightly nervous about our key situation, it would have been awful if we got locked out of our building during the festival, most certainly would have been déjà vu. I decided to knock on the neighbors’ door before we had people over just to see if maybe she knew where to go. Of course she knew where the keys were, and being the sweet woman she is, she offered to walk us there the next morning and promised the door wouldn’t lock tonight. Yet another blessing on our incredible journey.


The party was on, we had friends here as always, but a few more than normal, then we hit the streets. Unlike Italy the music here was different on every corner some classical, some jazz, some rock, all of it was amazing. We headed straight to the big stage to try and catch the headliner for the night, and ended up being right in front of the stage on the rail. The band was so full of energy, the crowd loved it. The girl singer rocked the stage and we all instantly fell in love with her. it was the perfect last big night out with everyone.
Head Line Band

Part of the Fete de la Musique crowd

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