Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 21- Lost

I woke up to a stuffy nose, scratchy throat, and heavy head. Being dehydrated really hurt my body, and it wasn’t nice of me to not sleep very much. I decided I shouldn’t go to my favorite park for a morning run, I was slightly heart broken.
Instead Jill and I did some food shopping for the apartment at a cheap food store called DIA. When you walk in you can tell you are about to get cheap knock off food, and the workers don’t even seem French with their mannerisms, but it is cheap, so the atmosphere isn’t our main concern.
I took the French equivalent of an airborne and went to class expecting to sit and relax for a few hours just writing.
When our teacher arrived she came with different news. She had relied on someone else to get bus information for our class trip to Cassis that was happening the next day. As it goes, the friend was not able to follow through and the only way to get the bus information was to visit the bus stop information desk right now. Class had started at 4:00, the desk closes at 4:45, the classroom is across town from the buys stop, and we have wasted about 10 minutes listening to our teacher.
So the four of us went out into Aix-En-Provence to find the bus station and get the information to go to Cassis. Initially We thought that we had to go to the train station we got there at 4:32, nervous Ellen and I got in line while Jill and Sarah-Beth looked at all of the pamphlets to see if they could get the information there. After about 5 minutes Jill and Sarah-Beth tell us we are at the wrong spot and the map says we need to go about 3 blocks down the street. 4:37 and were headed towards the real information center. Its sweltering hot out, and we all are sweating, we get very excited as we approach the station, 4:41, just in time. We got the bus information and headed back to class for a short writing assignment, then we were sent home to rest up for our big trip to Cassis.
Bus maps for Cassis
Since we hadn’t seen our friends for the entire weekend we made plans to meet up for dinner. I said I would meet Jill and the crew at the Aix-presso a few doors down because I had a few things to do in the apartment. 
I left the apartment and couldn’t find them at Aix-presso, after looking at my twitter account I find out that they changed where they were going, and the directions they gave me were not helpful “turn right after Jacobs Boulangerie” Jill has said a million times she has wanted to go there, but I never knew where it was.
No problem ill just go up to my apartment use the wifi and then go eat with them. Only one problem, I left my keys in the apartment for the first time ever. So I walked around in the general direction that I believed they were, and after 20 minutes I found them, of course they were finished their meal by now, but it was okay I was just glad I found them.
We all headed back to our place to talk about our weekends apart from each other and how much we wished each other could have been there. It is the start of our last week together as Will and Danielle leave on Saturday to go home. Hopefully the next week will bring more time together, less time getting lost.

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