Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 12- Friends last forever

It is always nice to sleep in after a long day of walking and sight seeing. Well its nice if you aren’t in a foreign country, not wanting to miss a moment. I woke up and felt great physically, but in my head I kept thinking oh no I just slept away half of one of my 33 days here in Europe, ill never get that time back! It’s a constant battle deciding between needing sleep and needing to be doing something.
Immediately after waking, I threw on running clothes and had my first good work out, I felt awesome. I must admit many people may not have enjoyed having their hair wet with sweat, cramps in their stomach, and the bottoms of their feet feeling like they are on fire, but for me, it was refreshing, a start to being healthy again. When I returned Jill and I had to go find the big market that occurs every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday to do our assignment for class. This market is slightly different from all of the other markets; It has old clothing and books, more fruit and veggies that come from towns around Aix and way more shoppers.  Of course I only know this information from what I hear, because we never made it to the market. We spent hours walking up and down the streets making circles trying to find the Market, but we had no luck. Aix is frustrating because you could think you are in one spot, yet still be 20 blocks away. They need better signs, or I need a better map.
After getting fed up with looking and making our 7th circle around town we made the executive decision to go shopping. In Aix it does not matter if you are a millionaire, or a broke college kid there are clothing stores on every street that will fit your budget! Personally I found a very attractive pink skirt for just 13 euro!  
After a long day of shopping, (tops 2 hours, that’s very long for me), we headed back to the apartment for dinner and drinks with friends.
I am not sure, again, how I got so lucky. The first day we met Megan, Danielle, and Will was a blessing because we all get along so well. Every time we meet up for lunch, or a few casual drinks, or an excursion, we have a blast. We laugh like we have known each other for years, talk openly about life, and enjoy our moments because we know one day, we wont be able to talk as much, and may even drift apart forever due to distance. It is so strange how God can put the most amazing people in your life for such a short amount of time, and they still have such an impact on your experiences. Although when I look back on my twelfth day in France, and see that the number of activities I did was small, I think about the time I had sitting with friends laughing, and listening to crazy French music videos. It was one of the more fun moments we could have. 
Birthday night with Jill, Danielle, and Will


With Megan and Danielle

At Lourmiranwith Megan , Jill, and Danielle




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